Plans Of Grey Aliens For Human Beings

Δευτέρα 5 Μαΐου 2014

grey aliens
grey aliens Grey aliens are those beings allegedly from outer space as promoted by communities of ufology and paranormal. These so called greys or grays are described by their skin color. About 50% of reported space alien encounters in the U.S. involve Grey aliens. Claims of these encounters vary in every respect including their physical appearances, moral dispositions, intentions, origins, extradimensionals, ETs. Greys are commonly describe as small-bodied beings without specific sex. They have smooth grey-colored skin, big head, and big black eyes. The idea of the grey originates from the abduction claim by Betty and Barney Hill, though some skeptics see precursors in earlier paranormal claims and science fiction. Greys are typically have dark grey-skinned and small humanoid entities. They have reduce forms or lack of external human organs such as ears, noses or sex organs. Their bodies are generally depicted to be elongated with small chest, lack in muscular definition and visible skeletal structure. Their shorter legs are having joints different from human beings. Their limbs are different to human beings when it comes to proportion. Their forearms and shins are the same lengths as their humerus and thighs respectively. Greys are described as beings with large heads without hair on their entire body, including the face. They don’t have visible outer ears and noses but with small openings or orifices for ears and nostrils. They have small mouth and their very big opaque black eyes have no evident pupil or iris. In some cases, greys are depicted to have no noticeable mouths or nostrils. Their height is described in some reports to be 2-4 feet tall. Greys are usually involve in alien abduction reports. Around 50% of alien encounter claims in Australia involve Greys, 43% in the U.S., 90% in Canada, 67% in Brazil, 20% in Continental Europe, and about 12% in the UK. Abduction claims are usually depicted as very traumatic, the same trauma level to an abduction by humans or even a sexual assault. - The Grey Aliens Frightening Plans for Mankind
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